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Personel presentation (geneology)
CV with publication list and abstracts

Corrosion in soil
Presentation at Eurocorr 2000 London September 10-14, 2000

Report to SKB about corrosion of copper in anaerobic clay
Compendium Water and Waste Pipes (PDF 367 kb) for course Water and Wastewater Handling

Sewage sludge
Phosphorus recovery from sludge
Poster at 1st World Water Congress in Paris, July 3 - 6, 2000
Phosphorus recovery with ion exchange (PDF 179 kb)

Waste handling
Report to Avfallsforskningsrådet about material deterioration in waste deposits

Association Energi och Miljö
Waste Steam Ship Avfallsångbåten cleans the archipelago

Erik Levlin